Original Icelandic art: Buy artworks online

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Original Icelandic art
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Purchase original artworks online by artists, either from or based in Iceland.

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Really nice to see a platform for Icelandic artists in the same place! I am really satisfied with the service I received from Apollo art and the artist, recommend without hesitation!
Hafsteinn Dan Kristjánsson
Bought a wonderful work here by Halla H. and i am on cloud nine! Fast, convenient and professional communication. Will continue to shop with Apollo art, that's for sure.
Hildur Guðbjörnsdóttir
Comfortable website, pleasant experience. A good overview of artworks, a decent selection and the purchase that took place went quickly and smoothly.
Helga Kristjánsdóttir
Excellent platform. Bought a work by Jóhannes P. and picked it up the same day. Everything perfect for both Apollo and artist. Thanks!
I experienced the service at Apollo art very positive and fast. The artist was in contact almost immediately and the process went very professionally and quickly. I am very satisfied with the transaction and my beautiful work.
Sandra Blöndal
A convenient interface to view artworks and learn about the artists. Safe and fast service. Communication with artists is exemplary. Will continue to shop at Apollo art in the near future..
Eiríkur R. Jósefsson
A very convenient and quick way to acquire works by Icelandic artists. I have taken advantage of home fitting and also viewed work in an artist's studio. Recommend.
Rannveig Gunnarsdóttir
Everything went like clockwork. I acquired an artwork that makes me happy. Happy to support Icelandic art and artists.
Unnur Ólafsdóttir
Enjoyable to be in touch with the artist. Got the artwork sent right away and was very happy.
Hrund Pétursdóttir
Good service from the artist, the delivery was quick and smooth, which is important to me.
Erla Gunnars

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