Oil paintings
At Apollo art you will find a unique selection of oil paintings by well-known and emerging artists, either from or based in Iceland.
Oil artworks date back to the fifth century in Asia and Afghanistan, where natural plant oils were used to decorate caves. At the beginning of the 15th century, it was the artist's choice of texture and the lifespan of the work that determined the type of paint he used. Oil paint slowly began to replace other methods in Europe, especially in the Netherlands and Italy. Despite the discovery and popularity of acrylic paint in the early 20th century, many artists still prefer to use oil paint because of its timeless properties.
Oil artworks date back to the fifth century in Asia and Afghanistan, where natural plant oils were used to decorate caves. At the beginning of the 15th century, it was the artist's choice of texture and the lifespan of the work that determined the type of paint he used. Oil paint slowly began to replace other methods in Europe, especially in the Netherlands and Italy. Despite the discovery and popularity of acrylic paint in the early 20th century, many artists still prefer to use oil paint because of its timeless properties.
Stærð: 60x90 cm.
61x91 cm í svörtum ramma.
Tækni: Olía á MDF plötu.
"Fjallabak suður Miðfell þar sem sinnepsgulur mosinn er skarpur í nánast svörtu bergi og dökkum sandi."
150.000 kr
Án titils I
Stærð: 40x40 cm.
42,5x42,5 cm í hvítum flotramma.
Tækni: Olía á striga.
Málað 2024.
59.000 kr
Helgafell og Valahnjúkar
Stærð: 26x58 cm.
Tækni: Olía á MDF plötu.
"Haust að víkja fyrir vetri, litbrigði að breytast og fölna og gráleitur himinn hjálpar til við það að mýkja alla liti og skerpu."
35.000 kr
Án titils
Stærð: 40x40 cm.
42,5x42,5 cm í hvítum flotramma.
Tækni: Olía á striga.
Málað 2024.
59.000 kr
Stærð: 90x110 cm.
92,5x112,5 cm í svörtum flotramma.
Tækni: Olía á striga.
Málað 2024.
220.000 kr
Íslenskar konur drekka vatn
Stærð: 50x60 cm.
55x65 cm í hvítum flotramma.
Tækni: Olía á striga.
160.000 kr
Uppspretta II
Stærð: 80x80 cm.
82,5x82,5 cm í svörtum flotramma.
Tækni: Olía á striga.
Málað 2024.
165.000 kr
Steinn Steinarr
Stærð: 30x25 cm.
34x29 cm í svörtum flotramma.
Tækni: Olía á striga (hör).
120.000 kr