The Incredible Machine

Andrea Ólafs
25 In stock
48.000 kr

Stærð: 40x40 cm (myndflötur 32x32 cm).

40x40 cm með hvítum kanti í svörtum ramma.

Tækni: Eftirprent á 300 gr bómullarpappír.
Upplag: 25 eintök.

Listaverkaeftirprent af upprunarlegu verki listamanns sem er selt. Gefið út í 25 tölusettum og árituðum eintökum.

The Incredible Machine varð til hægt og rólega á nokkrum vikum í aðdraganda og yfir hátíðarnar 2021-2022. Við verkið var dundað í heilmikilli hugarró undir áhrifum og innblæstri frá Wassily Kandinsky.

Þess má til gamans geta að fólk sér ýmislegt í þessu verki. Það virðist kveikja í ímyndunaraflinu og hefur fólk haft orð á því að þarna sjái það pendúl, töfrasprota, víkingaskip, eldflaug, risakross, gleði, tónlist, nótur og himingeim. Fimm ára gutti sagði þarna vera geimskip sem aldrei lendir!

Listamaðurinn hefur á undanförnum misserum orðið fyrir gríðarlegum innblæstri og áhrifum af listsköpun Kandinsky, þá einna helst hans seinni tíma verkum. Kandinsky er oft kallaður faðir abstakt listarinnar. Hann sá tónlist í litum og liti í tónum. Hann tengdi líka ákveðna liti við ákveðin form.


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Er verkið einstakt?

Öll listaverk á vefnum, nema annað sé tekið fram, eru frumverk og er því aðeins eitt eintak til.

Ljósmyndir og eftirprent eru dæmi af verkum sem yfirleitt eru gefin út í takmörkuðu upplagi og er magnið þá alltaf tekið fram.

14-day right of return

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14 day right of return and 100% money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your work, return it and we will help you find a more suitable work.

Purchase process and delivery

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1. Location of artwork

If you are looking at an artwork, it is good to know the location of the artist. The location of the artist appears under the title of the work above.

2. Add to cart

First you have to add a piece to the cart. In the cart, click on "proceed with purchase". Before proceeding to the delivery method, you must fill in information about the recipient.

3. Method of delivery

It is possible to pick up the work at the artist's studio or to have the artwork delivered. If you choose to pick up, the artist will contact you and give you the exact location of the studio.

4. Payment methods

You can make a payment in various ways: credit and debit card, bank transfer, cash or "Netgíró", "Aur", "Pei" to pay/distribute/postpone payments.

5. Delivery of an artwork

Once payment has been received, the artist will receive information about the purchase. The artist contacts the buyer at the first opportunity and prepares the work for delivery.

6. Delivery time

We pride ourselves on delivery time, so artists more often than not make contact the same day to deliver the artwork.

Home delivery or pick up

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We deliver or you pick up. You have a choice between picking up the artwork at the artist's studio or having the artwork delivered to your home. If you choose to pick up the artwork, it is the artists themselves who hand it over from their studio, for a more personalized experience.

Once payment has been received, the artist will receive information about the purchase. Next, the artist prepares the work for delivery. If you choose to pick up the work, the artist will contact you at the earliest opportunity and you will find a suitable time.

Artists will more often than not make a contact on the same day to deliver work. In rare cases it may take longer.

Andrea Ólafs

Andrea er fædd og uppalin á Húsavík en hefur frá unga aldri búið og ferðast víða um heiminn. Hún býr núna í Suðurhlíðum Kópavogs þar sem hún hefur komið sér upp lítilli listasmiðju og leyfir þar sköpunargleðinni að fá útrás.

Andrea dundaði sér mikið við að teikna þegar hún var barn og unglingur, en lagði svo listsköpun alfarið á hilluna þar til hún var vakin af listagyðjunni sjálfri í gegnum draumfarir. Þannig vaknaði skaparinn til vinnu. Sköpunarflæðið er eins og mis-straumhörð á og fer í ýmsar áttir, en sterkir litir, geometrísk form ásamt einstaka tilvísunum í forn fræði og. . . Lesa meira

What our customers think

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A very convenient and quick way to acquire works by Icelandic artists. I have taken advantage of home fitting and also viewed work in an artist's studio. Recommend.
Rannveig Gunnarsdóttir
Everything went like clockwork. I acquired an artwork that makes me happy. Happy to support Icelandic art and artists.
Unnur Ólafsdóttir
Enjoyable to be in touch with the artist. Got the artwork sent right away and was very happy.
Hrund Pétursdóttir
Good service from the artist, the delivery was quick and smooth, which is important to me.
Erla Gunnars
Really nice to see a platform for Icelandic artists in the same place! I am really satisfied with the service I received from Apollo art and the artist, recommend without hesitation!
Böðvar Böðvarsson
Excellent platform. Bought a work by Jóhannes P. and picked it up the same day. Everything perfect for both Apollo and artist. Thanks!
Kristján Finnbogason
Bought a wonderful work here by Halla H. and i am on cloud nine! Fast, convenient and professional communication. Will continue to shop with Apollo art, that's for sure.
Bjarney Bjarnadóttir
Comfortable website, pleasant experience. A good overview of artworks, a decent selection and the purchase that took place went quickly and smoothly.
The trust between the client and the artist is great, I got to try the work at home through home fitting and it was no problem. The buying/viewing process is easy and quick.
Everything went smoothly, lovely artwork and a pleasant experience. Looking forward to making good purchases of beautiful works at Apollo Art again. I check regularly and wait for new works from certain artists i have my eye on.
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